Code Quality
- [ ] Write clean, well-organized code that's easy to read and maintain
- [ ] Use clear, meaningful variable names and add comments where necessary
- [ ] Use Git for version control to manage projects and track changes
Project Showcase
- [ ] Include detailed case studies for projects explaining:
- [ ] Problem solved
- [ ] Approach taken
- [ ] Results achieved
- [ ] Integrate at least one external API (e.g., GitHub API, OpenWeather API)
- [ ] Use PostgreSQL with Neon (or another database)
- [ ] Build RESTful APIs for frontend-backend communication
Portfolio Website Features
- [ ] Build portfolio with Next.js using SSR or static generation
- [ ] Ensure responsive design for all devices
- [ ] Implement Dark Mode toggle
- [ ] Follow accessibility best practices
- [ ] Include a secure contact form
- [ ] Optimize site for speed (lazy loading, image compression, minification)
Technical Depth
- [ ] Write tests (unit, integration, or end-to-end)
- [ ] Use TypeScript for static typing
- [ ] Implement proper error handling and logging